The Invisible Paw
Teaching Economics with The Berenstain Bears
Featured Lessons

Weclome to The Invisible Paw! This website is dedicated to providing resources for teaching economics and personal finance concepts using the Berenstain Bears.
In the 'full list' tab you can search through all 64 books with concepts and below are some featured lessons and books!
Old Hat, New Hat (Random House, 1970 & 1997)
Concepts: Choices, Preferences
How To Teach: Use the lesson Old Hat, New Hat from the St. Louis Fed!
This lesson won 2015 Curriculum Gold Award from the National Association of Economic Educators!

The Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmies (Random House, 1988)
Concepts: Scarcity, Choices, Opportunity Cost, Alternatives
How to Teach: Use the lesson The Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmies from the St. Louis Fed!

The Berenstan Bears Trouble with Money (Random House, 1983)
Concepts: Saving, Income, Bank, Interest, Money
How to Teach: Use the lesson The Berenstain Bears Trouble with Money from the St. Louis Fed!
The Berenstain Bears Mad, Mad, Mad Toy Craze (Random House, 1999)
Concepts: Price, Market, Money, Income, Law of Demand, Competition, Buyer, Seller, Shortage, Surplus
How to Teach:
1. Use the lesson The Berenstain Bears Mad, Mad, Mad Toy Craze; or
2. Use the 10 question Q&A supplement. Both from the St. Louis Fed!
Research Article in JET
Want more? Check out this article in Journal of Economics Teaching